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Policies and Procedures

Important Note: This form will need to be filled out in one sitting as it does not save for you to come back to.  Please wait for the confirmation message before exiting the page. Please also see important notes at the bottom of the page.

Registration and Orientation


Each parent shall be charged a one-time registration fee of $25.00, which shall be due and payable at the time of registration. Should the account of any parent be inactive for a period of more than sixty (60) days a renewal registration fee of $25.00 will be due and payable before services can resume.


During registration and orientation, a Forward Steps staff member will conduct a comprehensive interview with each parent to ascertain the reason(s) supervised visits and/or exchanges are needed, any documented domestic violence, specific health or safety concerns present in the case, and any other relevant information. During this time, parent(s) will also have an opportunity to ask a Forward Steps staff member any questions he/she may have regarding the services to be provided.


Safety and Security


At Forward Steps we take the safety of all person(s) seriously. Visitors must be accompanied by a Forward Steps staff member at all times.


All documentation is kept electronically in password protected files. All Forward Steps computer systems are password protected and any documentation that is sent electronically is encrypted to ensure delivery only to the designated recipient(s).


In the event of a health or safety emergency, 911 will be immediately contacted and a request will be made for emergency services as the circumstances require.


Child Abduction Plan


Immediately upon learning of the abduction, local law enforcement will be contacted, and a missing person’s report will be filed. A request will also be made at this time for law enforcement to enter the abductor’s and child’s names into the National Crime Information Computer and Missing and Unidentified Persons systems. Forward Steps staff will then interview any person(s) that were present at the time of the abduction to obtain any relevant information that may assist in the investigation by law enforcement in locating the child(ren). Parent(s) of the child(ren) involved will also be immediately notified and an internal report will be created and kept on file.


Scheduling Visits


The visiting parent must contact Forward Steps via telephone or email at least seventy-two (72) hours before the requested visit. Forward Steps will then contact the custodial parent to confirm the date and time for the visit before confirming the same with the visiting parent. Forward Steps may be reached at

(559) 262-7947 or


A fee of $35.00 per hour shall be charged for supervised visits, with additional fees as outlined in the Fee Schedule attached hereto. The visiting parent shall be responsible for all visit-related fees unless a court order specifies a different payment allocation.


Visits may be paid for in advance over the phone or online with a credit or debit card or at the commencement of the visit with cash. Personal checks are not accepted. Forward Steps reserves the right to refuse services in the event payment in full is not received via an acceptable payment method prior to the commencement of the scheduled visit. Forward Steps also reserves the right to request a deposit for services in advance on a case-by-case basis.


Scheduling Exchanges


One or both parents must contact Forward Steps via telephone or email at least forty-eight (48) hours before the requested exchange. Once Forward Steps receives a request for a supervised exchange it will contact the other parent to confirm the date and time for the exchange before confirming the same with the requesting parent. A fee of $30.00 shall be charged for each custody exchange. For any exchanges not scheduled at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, a fee of $35.00 will be charged. Each parent shall be responsible for one-half of the exchange fee unless a court order specifies a different payment allocation.


Exchanges may be paid for in advance over the phone or online with a credit or debit card or at the exchange with cash. Personal checks are not accepted. Forward Steps reserves the right to refuse services in the event payment in full is not received via an acceptable payment method prior to the exchange. Forward Steps also reserves the right to request a deposit for services in advance on a case-by-case basis.


Cancellations, Late, Extended, and Missed Visits or Exchanges


Forward Steps must be provided with at least forty-eight (48) hours’ notice of any cancellation or rescheduling of services. Failure to timely notify Forward Steps will result in additional fees as outlined in the Fee Schedule attached hereto. The cancelling parent shall be responsible for any applicable fees. If both parents fail to show for a scheduled visit or exchange, each parent will be responsible for their portion of the full fee. If services are terminated because of noncompliance, the non-compliant parent(s) shall be responsible for the full fees.

If a parent is going to be late to an exchange or visit, please contact Forward Steps by telephone to advise of the expected arrival time. If a parent is more than fifteen (15) minutes late for a visit or exchange, but the waiting parent elects to continue waiting, late fees will be assessed. All late fees must be paid by the parent(s) who were late before another visit or exchange can be scheduled. Forward Steps will do its best to accommodate any parent who is running late, however, Forward Steps may have limited options based upon staffing and visitation area availability.


If the child(ren) or visiting parent are sick and cannot attend a previously scheduled visit, please notify Forward Steps as soon as practicable. Fees will still be due from the parent that cancels the scheduled visit unless at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice is provided and/or a physician’s note can be provided that specifically states the parent(s) could not visit because of illness.




Forward Steps is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Documentation to be Provided and Kept on File


Each parent shall provide Forward Steps with his/her current contact information, including a telephone number, email address, and mailing address. It is the responsibility of each parent to provide Forward Steps with his/her updated contact information, as necessary.


Each parent shall also provide and maintain current copies of any custody and/or restraining order on file with Forward Steps so that Forward Steps may ensure the terms of all court orders are being followed, including, but not limited to, the frequency and duration of court-ordered supervised visits. Under no circumstances shall Forward Steps be responsible for procuring a copy of any custody or restraining order from the court or counsel for either parent.


Each parent must also provide and maintain current copies of a valid photo identification, vehicle insurance, and vehicle registration for any person that will be transporting the child(ren) to and from visits/exchanges. Forward Steps shall reserve the right to require an alternative transportation method if these requirements are not met. Forward Steps shall also reserve the right to inspect any vehicle to confirm the proper child restrain device(s) are present.


A current photo of each child participating in supervised visits and/or exchanges shall also be provided by each parent and kept on file.


Rules Governing Supervised Visits and Exchanges


  1. A staff member of Forward Steps shall be present during the entirety of the time for all exchanges and visits.

  2. Forward Steps staff members are present to observe and record the interactions and behaviors of the parties/child(ren) involved and may interact when necessary. No party should initiate involvement of Forward Steps staff in any conversation or activity. Forward Steps staff members are neutral parties and present only to ensure the safety and welfare of the child(ren) involved.

  3. The ratio of child(ren) to Forward Steps staff member(s) will be based upon a variety of factors, including, but not limited to 1) the degree of risk factor present, 2) the nature of supervision required, 3) the number and ages of children, 4) the number of individuals visiting, 5) the duration of the visit, and 6) the experience of the provider(s).

  4. During visits and/or exchanges, parties shall not discuss with Forward Steps staff members any aspect of the case, complaints, concerns, questions, or the opposing side. Other than notification to a Forward Steps staff member of immediate issues concerning the current visit and/or exchange, all case-related communication should be directed to the administrative office in writing.

  5. All parties must actively avoid making contact with any person(s) on the opposing side of the visit or exchange, both inside and outside of the facility.

  6. At no time shall any person that is barred from having contact with the child(ren) or any party in the case be present on the premises for an exchange or visit.

  7. Forward Steps prohibits the exchange of any messages between opposing parties via staff members or the child(ren) involved.

  8. Parties may utilize Forward Steps staff members to communicate information regarding the child(ren)’s dietary, school, or medical needs to the opposing side.

  9. Forward Steps staff members will also assist with the transfer of child(ren)’s belongings and/or any prescribed medications during exchanges.

  10. The visiting parent must arrive ten (10) minutes early and shall be escorted to the visitation area.

  11. The custodial parent shall deliver the child(ren) to a staff member of Forward Steps at a prearranged location within the facility that is separate from the location of the visiting parent.

  12. The custodial parent is to immediately leave the facility after the Forward Steps staff member takes possession of the child.

  13. No guests will be permitted during visits unless specifically outlined in a court order or agreed to in writing by the custodial parent. In the event a guest is permitted, a staff member of Forward Steps will review the rules of visits with the guest before the commencement of the visit. Additional fees shall apply for guests participating in visits.

  14. English must be spoken by the visiting parent and the child(ren) unless arrangements have been made ahead of time and approved by Forward Steps.

  15. The visiting parent shall be responsible for meeting the needs of the child(ren) during the visit. This includes ensuring younger children who are not potty trained have diapers and the necessary items. A change of clothes is also suggested for younger children in case of an accident. If a visiting parent wishes to bring toys or games to a visit, these items must be approved by Forward Steps staff.

  16. Visiting parents may bring age-appropriate food or snacks for the visit unless prohibited by the custodial parent. Visiting parents must be cognizant of any food allergies of the child(ren).

  17. Cellular phones, recording devices, and other electronic devices with internet capability are prohibited during visits.

  18. Gifts may be given to the child(ren), however, any gifts brought for the child(ren) by the visiting parent must be inspected by Forward Steps staff prior to giving the same to the child(ren) to ensure there is nothing contained within the gifts that violates a court order or the policies of Forward Steps. Gifts shall go home with the child(ren) unless the child(ren) refuse to take the gifts with them or the custodial parent declines to accept the same. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in cases of sexual abuse no gifts shall be permitted.

  19. During the visit there shall be no inappropriate touching of the child(ren) by the visiting parent.

  20. The visiting parent will be expected to set limits and use only appropriate discipline when needed. There shall be no corporal punishment/physical discipline of any kind during the visit.

  21. Forward Steps staff are mandated reporters and will report any incidence of abuse as required by law.

  22. There shall be no demands by the visiting parent for inappropriate or excessive physical contact from the child(ren).

  23. In cases of sexual abuse, there shall be no physical contact between the visiting parent and the child(ren).

  24. There shall be no shouting, yelling, threats of violence or abuse, or cursing.

  25. The visiting parent must never attempt to whisper to the child(ren) or to move the child(ren) out of sight or earshot from the supervisor. The child(ren) must speak loud enough to be heard by the supervisor and must not whisper to the visiting parent.

  26. The visiting parent shall not be allowed to make any permanent physical alterations to the child(ren) during the visit without written permission from the custodial parent.

  27. Parties shall not discuss anything relating to court proceedings with the child(ren), nor allow the child(ren) to review court documents.

  28. Parties shall not make any remarks or promises to the child(ren) with respect to future visitation schedules, living arrangements, or similar matters.

  29. Parties shall not question the child(ren) about their preference with respect to custody and visitation matters, nor shall a party inquire into the life of the opposing side. In the event the child(ren) initiate a conversation with one party about the opposing side, the party should make every effort to change the topic of conversation.

  30. Parties are prohibited from making negative remarks about the opposing side in the presence of the child(ren) or Forward Steps staff. This includes comments that may diminish the relationship the child(ren) have with either parent even if the comment itself is not derogatory or negative.

  31. Neither party shall take any actions that would cause the child(ren) to be influenced or otherwise swayed against one parent or the other.

  32. Forward Steps will permit photographs of the child(ren) to be taken with the visiting parent, upon consent from the custodial parent, unless doing so would violate the provision(s) of any court order or in cases of sexual abuse. Any photos permitted at the visit will be taken by a Forward Steps staff member and copies of the photos shall be provided to both parents. Video recording is not permitted at any time.

  33. Once the visit is over, the visiting parent will remain in the visitation area until released by a staff member of Forward Steps after the visiting child(ren) have departed with the custodial parent.

  34. Forward Steps reserves the right to terminate or pause visit(s) at any time if: 1) ongoing contact between the visiting parent and the child(ren) appears to be traumatic or too stressful for the child(ren); 2) Forward Steps staff cannot effectively address safety or other issues at any given time; 3) a party threatens or harasses Forward Steps staff or the opposing side; and/or 4) one or both parties fail to comply with any portion of these Policies and Procedures.

  35. In the event a visit is terminated, or services are temporary suspended, Forward Steps shall provide written confirmation to all parties the reason(s) for the termination or temporary suspension.


Prohibited Conduct on the Premises


Forward Steps prohibits the use of any illegal substance, as well as smoking, vaping, or the consumption of alcohol, on the premises. Under no circumstances shall any party be under the influence or alcohol or illegal substances while on the premises. Forward Steps shall take all necessary actions to ensure that any person(s) entering the premises abide by this policy. If a Forward Steps staff member suspects that a party is in violation of this policy, Forward Steps reserves the right to cancel all services and notify the appropriate law enforcement agency(s) as circumstances warrant.


Forward Steps also prohibits any party from bringing any type of weapon onto the premises, including, but not limited to guns, knives, pepper spray, mace, or any other similar object.


Under no circumstances shall any legal documents be served upon any person(s) on the premises.


Records Requests/Subpoenas


Forward Steps maintains a written record of each contact made with the parent(s), child(ren), the court, attorneys, and/or mental health professionals, as well as a detailed summary of each visit/exchange, including who was present, what was said, any violations of Forward Steps policies’, and/or any other noteworthy events.


Copies of supervised exchange, supervised visits, and/or attendance logs will be provided upon request. Such documentation is created by Forward Steps staff in the normal course of business and shall not be deemed confidential or private, except that any identifying information such as telephone numbers, addresses, places of employment, and schools will be redacted.


Any information/documentation released is based on the personal observations of Forward Steps staff and shall not be construed as an opinion or endorsement of one parent over the other. Forward Steps reserves the right to require a subpoena. A custodian of records affidavit can be provided for an additional cost.


Any time spent by Forward Steps staff interacting with agents of the court, testifying in court, and/or communicating with other person(s) at the request of one or both parents will result in additional charges.


Please allow a minimum of ten (10) business days for routine records requests. For an additional charge, requests may be expedited on a case-by-case basis, subject to staff availability.


Grievance Policy


Forward Steps makes every effort to ensure all clients are treated fairly and with professionalism. In the event you are not satisfied with the services you have received from Forward Steps or if you have been treated unfairly or feel that your rights have been breached, the grievance process outlined herein should be utilized to express your concerns related to the quality of services you have received.


Forward Steps expressly prohibits retaliation against any person who files a grievance. If you have a grievance, please speak with a Forward Steps staff member on duty. If your concern(s) are not adequately addressed by staff, please complete a grievance form which is available online or at the front desk. If you do not feel comfortable speaking with a staff member regarding your concern(s), you are not required to first speak with a Forward Steps staff member.


Once notified in writing of your concern(s), Forward Steps will initiate an investigation within 2 business days and provide an acknowledgment of receipt of your grievance within 5 business days. Forward Steps will report the outcome of its investigation to you in writing within 10 business days after your complaint is received. If you are not satisfied with the results of the investigation, you may contact Forward Steps CEO to further discuss the matter. The CEO will conduct a review of your complaint and any resulting investigation and respond to you in writing within 10 business days.


Other Provisions and Acknowledgements


These Policies and Procedures constitute the complete agreement between the parent and Forward Steps with respect to the subject matters referred to herein and shall supersede all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, promises, agreements, and representations of every nature whatsoever with respect to the subject matters contained herein.


It should be noted that there is no confidential privilege formed between Forward Steps and any person utilizing the services of Forward Steps.


By signing below, you hereby assume all risks that may arise in relation to the services being provided by Forward Steps, including, but not limited to, personal injury or property damage that may arise from negligence on the part of Forward Steps and its agents, representatives, officers, and employees, relating to the services provided to you/the child(ren). In consideration of the services being provided by Forward Steps, you hereby waive, release, and discharge Forward Steps and its agents, representatives, officers, and employees from negligence or fault for any form of personal injury, property damage or property theft. You agree to indemnify and hold Forward Steps and its agents, representative, officers, and employees harmless from any and all liabilities or claims as outlined herein.





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